The Liebster Award.

I will be honest, until the lovely Laura from Mint Milkshake Memories nominated me recently for The Liebster Award, I had never come across it before.

I have done a little research on the award, and it seems to be popping up on lots of blogs. The Liebster Award is a great (as well as a fun!) way to connect with and promote bloggers, as well as allowing us to get to know some more about each other! There are a few rules that come along with the award.

1. Thank the blogger who nominated you & link back to their blog (thanks again Laura!)

2. Answer the 11 questions you have been asked.

3. Nominate 11 bloggers for the award.

4. Ask them 11 questions of your own.

A massive thank you to Laura for nominating me to take part! I have been looking forward to this post going up. If you haven't already done so, make sure you pop over & say hi to her! So, onto my 11 questions Laura has asked me.

1. Have you got any holidays booked this year?

Yes! The boyfriend & I are heading back to Orlando, Florida for 3 weeks later this year. 

We first visited in 2014 and loved it. We stayed at one of the Walt Disney World resort hotels and it was amazing. 

This year, we are returning to the same Walt Disney World resort - Port Orleans French Quarter, but we also plan on staying at one of the Universal Studios hotels as well, to have more time at Universal Studios!

2. What was the last book you read?

The last book I read was H is for Hawk by Helen MacDonald.

The book tells the true story of Helen's journey of the difficult process of training her goshawk, Mabel, during her deep struggle with the grief of her father's recent death.

It is a very honest & deep account of her struggles, both with her grief & with training Mabel, and is beautifully written.

3. Chocolate or crisps?

Chocolate! Hands down. I don't find crisps anywhere near satisfying enough!

4. Top three television programmes?

The Blacklist, Madam Secretary and BBC's Sherlock.

5. What is your favourite post you've written?

As a new blogger, I haven't written too many posts & I'm still finding my feet, but so far, I think my favourite post so far has been my Photo Diary - North Antrim Coast.

It may not have as much written content, but I love the North Antrim Coast and I love taking photos, and I think the photos in this post turned out particularly well. I really enjoyed picking out my favourite photos & sharing them.

6. What do you have for breakfast?

I don't like a massive or heavy breakfast, so I usually start the day with a bowl of muesli.

7. Is there something you love that most people dislike?

This might be an odd answer, but a lot of people I know don't get diced carrots in spaghetti bolognese. I really like it! Am I the only one?

8. Do you do anything to stay fit?

To be honest, I don't go out of my way - I am not a member of a gym or anything.

But I do love outdoor adventures & and walks through woods and along the coast, and normally on a Sunday you can find me exploring a quiet trail with my boyfriend.

9. If you had to be an animal, what would you be and why?

Definitely a dog! So I can live with my mum and be spoilt rotten, like she does with their dogs!

10. Are you more of a night clubbing or Netflix-binging person?

Most definitely a Netflix-binging person! I love a good TV show, and to be honest, my night clubbing days are long gone! I like my creature comforts too much now!

11. Can you tell me one interesting fact about yourself?

Hmmm. I have had to really think about this one. For some reason I always struggle with these types of questions!

Probably interesting for all the wrong reasons, but I have a serious fear of balloons! I hate them!


Thank you once again to Laura for the nomination. I have chosen the 11 bloggers I would like to nominate & my 11 questions you each need to answer, are all listed below.

Sam from Messy Buns and Make Up

Life of Gibbers

Honey from Royal Lifestyle

Joana from Notes From Joana

Charlie from Charlie Emily Hart

Roisin from Totally Ro


Zya and Daizy from Zya & Daizy

Jordan from Jordan Courtney

Cara from Cara Lynn

1. What is your favourite thing about blogging?

2. What is your favourite movie & why?

3. If you could choose a country to live in for the rest of your life, which country would it be & why?

4. Dog or Cat?

5. If you were stranded on a desert island and could only have 3 things (can be anything you like!) what 3 things would you have & why?

6. What has been your most recent purchase?

7. What are your other passions in life, aside from blogging?

8. Chocolate or chips?

9. If you could host a dinner party with 4 people of your choosing, who would you invite & why?

10. Tell me one interesting fact about yourself.

11. What one thing makes you the most happy?

I cannot wait to see all your responses to my questions! Make sure to let me know when your posts are up, so I can pop over and have a read.


  1. Thank you for the nomination :) I have a busy few days ahead but hopefully I can do this on the weekend!
    Sam xo | Messy Buns & Make Up

  2. Loved reading your answers! I'm going to have to try the carrot thing. Hope you have fun in Orlamdo, I really want to go so I can go to Harry Potter world ☺️ X

  3. Thank you for the nomination, it means the world to me! I'll hopefully have mine up on next Thursday as I have a busy weekend.

  4. Okay this sounds off but I don't like balloons either so I'm glad I'm not the only one. I think it's more the fact that one could pop at anytime... Ahhhh I'm super jealous you are off to Orlando this year it is my absolute favourite place in the world I love it there.

    Kirsty x

  5. Thanks for all your comments, lovelies!

    Kirsty - I'm so glad someone else doesn't like balloons! I think the same, it must be the unpredictably of them!

    Jemma x

  6. Thank you so much for nominating us! We adored your answers and your questions xx
    sorry that we don't do awards but we are so happy that you even considered us for an award! Sherlock is amazinggg, I love binging on it when I'm bored

    lovely post,
    Daizy from|
